Friday, June 27, 2008


How do I like....not use my facebook/blog to be narcissistic?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Alrigt. We have an issue.

Front page of the merc this morning.

The Libertarian in me is rather distraught.

my views will be offered when I have time...

For now, here's what you can do. The petition takes 10 seconds...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh yeah...

A while ago I was wondering about the nature of caring.
It was hard for me to think about what it means to "care" and how emotions play into it. (Is "care" dependent upon how I feel, or upon what I choose?)

Feelings are important. They're kinda like a window into a person's soul that reveals what is really there. In order to be a good human, it is probably good to pay attention to whats going on in the emotional realm, acting on them if they point to something that is true and valuable, and if not, dealing with them appropriately.

However, while being very real, emotions are temporary and not always true. In fact, they are often very deceptive.

To care is to make a choice about what is going to be important.

I'm super happy that God exists. I'm happy that even though I often feel lost and think that the world is much too big of a place for me, God has given me everything I need. He's told me what kinds of things are worth caring about and how to do it.

I had a teacher sum it up nicely. One dramatic day my freshman year, when our teen-age emotional tension was at an all-time high, Mr. Falkowski simplified the essence of valuable priorities by saying, "Things don't matter. People do." "Things" in this situation didn't just refer to tangible items that people idolize. They were the ideas we had about the way things should be, arguments that we didn't want to move on from, and the self-centered priorities that kept us from caring for one another...

"Things don't matter. People do."

something that i don't quite understand...

...why is everyone always trying to be better than everybody else?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Jack!

Tomorrow, the 29th of November, is the anniversary of the birth of C.S. Lewis (my best dead friend). I am going to be celebrating allllll day tomorrow.

My excitement level right now is an 11.


Monday, November 19, 2007


Philadelphia: interesting city. abrasive people. everything closes at 7pm (even on Weekends) this has caused me to reevaluate its status as a city. I was especially excited to see all the historical landmarks. Visiting Phili made me extremely appreciative of California. I'm not moving anytime soon.

I just got back from Columbus, Georgia. If you've never heard of it, it's probably because it is a small town in the middle of Nowheresville of very little consequence. Why did I go? 1989 six Jesuit priests were killed along with their house keeper and her daughter. When research was done, it was learned that many of the assassins were trained at the School of Americas at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia. This basically pissed off all the Jesuits in America, and by association, the Catholic church. My dad is a former Jesuit, so I went with him to the Teach-in/demonstration. 25,000 payed Columbus a visit for the demonstration this weekend, and I was privileged to see and speak with many interesting people.

Life is good...
:) It's gonna rain soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You Owe Me.

–verb (used with object), -tled, -tling.
1. to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something; furnish with grounds for laying claim: His executive position entitled him to certain courtesies rarely accorded others.

1. to merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation: to deserve exile; to deserve charity; a theory that deserves consideration.

Is anyone "entitled" to anything? Does anyone "deserve" anything?

Adam and Eve broke humanity in the garden. We do not "deserve" God's grace. He gives it anyway. What about from human to human? Are there things that I am entitled to receive from someone? Do I "deserve" to be treated/thought of/esteemed in a certain way? Am I so important that I should think that someone "owed" me a certain position or status?

Humanity is made in the image of God, and that gives us some form of created integrity. The good book tells us that we were created well, but that we also did something (sin) that stained us somehow....which means that I am inherently screwed up, and so are you, and that every single day we both continue to mess up. How then, is anyone deserving of any goodness? Are they?

Obviously, we are told to treat others with respect because God cares about them and says that they are valuable to him. But does this have anything to do with what people are "entitled to" from one another?

It seems like there is a call to goodness not "because of what we deserve" but "inspite of what we do not deserve." .....

Aide-moi, s'il vous plait....Je ne sais pas.

I'm leaving for Philadelphia in 5 hours. I am very excited. A few of us from the journalism department are taking a little field trip...
Scotty and Chad say that I should try Phili Cheese Steak. I say it's "man-food". Then again, Jen likes cheese, so I think I'll try it in honor of her...Jen is one of my most-favorite people.
Also, I am rather nervous about the writer's strike. I don't want my shows canceled. I will miss John Stewart terribly. He'll prolly be the first to go.... :(