Monday, September 24, 2007


Why do people care?

Why do people have cares?
Why do I care about people?
Would I really care about people if I knew I wouldn't ever get anything out of it?
Is "care" really "care" if a person is choosing it?
Do I really care about something if I am making myself care? Or is care only the act of choosing to value something?
Is it worth it to care?
If care is a choice, then what difference does it make to me if I choose to care/not care?
If its not a choice, then what is the value in choosing to care?

Maybe caring is just getting in touch with your less-broken self...either admitting to being in touch with it, or, through knowing truth, choosing to agree with what you know is true.

but is the latter "care"?

Is care an emotion or is it an idea?

if its an emotion, then how do I find it? And what if I don't feel anything? Then do I care or don't I?

If its an idea, then how do I know how to find it in me?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Aaaarrrgggggg. Chapel.

The chapel speaker at my school last Wednesday basically gave the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon (Jonathan Edwards) without the metaphor of the flimsy spider being held loosely over the pit of hell.(He read imaginary notes from people who got sent to hell instead) I was extremely uneasy throughout the sermon. The following seem to be the two schools of thought on the message:

1) He spoke things that were true. It is true that passages in the Bible condemn a person to hell who does not "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." (He said "accept Jesus", which I'd imagine is maybe the same thing.)Since they were true, it does not matter how he said it or why he said it. We are sinners who need to hear truth, even if it's hard. We can't experience mercy and love until we understand sin and our guilt. Christians don't talk about hell often enough.

2) That the message was inappropriate and condemning. He should not make judgments. He should not motivate people to Christ by trying to "scare them out of hell". Jesus is more than "fire insurance," and consequently, he should not be approached as a way out of hell.

I tend to think that while we were created to be eternal beings, and the concept of an "eternal damnation" or "separation from God" is very real, that it isn't the whole message of Christ. If Christ's message is one of God's love and a betrayal, and humanity given an opportunity to be made new and clean and holy again, then attempting to explain the person and message of Christ by scaring people over going to hell is a lie.

To say the least, I was saddened by the negative reactions of my friends and peers who have a hard time learning about the truths of Christ as a result of messages such as this.



Fred is my favorite.

I kiss the ground he walks on.

"Before anything else, folks in Washington ought to be asking first and foremost, “Should government be doing this? And if so, then at what level of government?” But they don’t."
- Fred Thompson

Thank God someone knows something about Federalism.


Just in case you all were wondering how I spent my Friday today, I will tell you.

(big HUGE breath)


In case you were extremely bright and thought to yourself "I am not going to waste time attempting to read a statement from someone who neglected to use the space bar," I'll repeat myself.

I went to San Francisco to watch Obama speak.
It was great fun.
I went with some friends from school and two of my teachers.
We sat in the balcony at the civic center.
We all cheered for everything.
......except abortion.

It was hilarious.

He'd start talking about health care or benefits to single mothers, or day care, or dependency on foreign oil, or executive integrity, and we'd stand and clap until our hands hurt. We would be clapping and cheering while trying to listen to what he was saying, so he'd slip in something or other about how the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to make decisions for women and doctors and we'd sort of dwindle down our clapping and cheering and then awkwardly sit/stand there and mutter/shrink down in our seats. Crickets chirped among us a couple of times.
--maybe you'd have to be there....

ANYWAYS, now that I mentioned that, I'll also mention that I won't be voting for Barack.
I cheered for most things, mostly because it would be very lovely for mothers and workers to be cared for and for everyone to receive health care.
.....It just wouldn't be lovely (in my opinion) for the Federal Government to implement these sort of policies. Other notes on his speech/the rally would be:
-Obama is an incredible speaker.
-He is idealistic.
-He is kinda a socialist.
-He seems to really care about people.
-He is good at "hanging lanterns on his problems"
-He's good at making friendly little "jabs" at Hillary.
-I thoroughly enjoyed listening to him.
-I got a cute little button that says, "OBAMA"
-I put my cute little button on my back pack (its actually more of a messenger bag than a back pack).

it was a fun day...